for subsurface leaks

FACT:  Slab leaks are known to cause you a lot of problems.  One sign that you may have a subsurface leak that you cannot see is if you are suddenly wake up to sky-high water bills.

FACT:  If your home was built on a slab, then your plumbing was either installed beneath or within your concrete slab foundation.  That's because it was the most efficient and least expensive method for your water distribution to be routed throughout your house when they built it. 

FACT:  When a pinhole leak occurs in a slab, it can result in serious issues such as cracks in that foundation through which it is running.

FACT:  Concrete is not waterproof.  Just because your broken water pipe is surrounded by concrete - it will not stop an leaky pipes from continuing to leak.

FACT:  The 'Good News' is that slab leaks will leave you clues that they are there:  wet spots, cracks in floors, and surprisingly warm spots are but a few.

FACT:  Slab leaks can be resolved by professional leak detection companies who are experts in pinpointing this sort of leak.  

FACT:  Leaks in your plumbing system are not unusual.  The system itself is very durable.  But, everything with age gets older.  Some say that homes over 15 years old are more likely to experience these "pinhole leaks" known as slab leaks.  As with all things, being proactive is always a good idea.  If you think that you may have a problem - call Destin Leak Detection today.


Typical slab leak below grade

Typical slab leak below grade

Thermal image of a hot water pipe pinhole leak in a slab.

Thermal image of a hot water pipe pinhole leak in a slab.

(850) 316.4411

Finding a slab leak is like finding a needle in a haystack.  You may think that you know. But, you don't.  Maybe you think its a kitchen leak because you felt a 'warm spot' under your feet.  Maybe your nose is telling you its under the carpet in the family room because of a musty odor.  You might believe you found your pinhole pipe leak - because your socks got wet when you stood in front of the TV.  

One thing is for sure, random demolition - ripping open the floor and destroying massive amounts of tile or hardwood is not an option.  The old saying  "look before you leap"  was never more true than right now.  But, maybe it should be "LOOK AND LISTEN"  before you leap.  

The strength of our leak detection service and our strategy is that we are able to use THREE TECHNOLOGIES together to:                                              1)  Locate the proximity of the leak by using INFRARED THERMAL IMAGING (see thermogram of a leak below)

2)  After finding that suspect area, we use commercial Moisture Meters to narrow down the location with the strongest (wettest) reading

3) Ultrasonic Leak Detectors are then used for confirmation and for even more precise locating of the subsurface leak.


Using the best of (3) divergent technologies:  Ultrasonic, Infrared, and Qualitative Moisture Reading

Using the best of (3) divergent technologies:  Ultrasonic, Infrared, and Qualitative Moisture Reading